Book bord

  • Angiv antal person
  • Vælg gavekort
  • Oplysninger
  • Vælg dato
  • Kunde oplysninger
  • Payment
  • Bekræft ordredetaljer
  • Aftalebekræftelse

Angiv antal person

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment

Angiv antal person

Please select a service for which you want to schedule an appointment

Vælg gavekort

Select service extras you want to add to your booking.


Please answer this set of questions to proceed.

Vælg dato

Click on a date to see a timeline of available slots, click on a green time slot to reserve it

Kunde oplysninger

Please provide you contact details so we can send you a confirmation and other contact info


You can either pay online using your credit card or PayPal, or you can pay on arrival with cash

Bekræft ordredetaljer

Dobbelttjek dine reservationsoplysninger, og klik på "Bestil Bord"-knappen, hvis alt er korrekt


Din aftale er blevet planlagt. Gem venligst denne bekræftelse til din orientering.
Call (858) 939-3746 for help

Angiv antal person

Angiv antal person
Vælg gavekort
Vælg dato
Kunde oplysninger
Your Payment Information
Bekræft reservationsdetaljer

Select Service Duration

You need to select service duration, the price of your service will depend on duration.

Antal personer?

Vores maksimale kapacitet er 50
Book bord
15 Minutter
1 person
Book bord
Restaurant Wallenz
Vallensbæk Stationstorv 21, 2665 Vallensbæk